Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Beginnings...

First things first...

THE PODCAST RETURNS THIS WEEKEND. that that's out of the way...

I'm going to be doing a hybrid of the two formats I've been using up to this point, moving forward.  I'm going to randomly post lists of things I've bought and maybe some in-progress thoughts in written form...but I'll also be recording podcasts again to talk about the stuff I'm ready and/or excited to talk about.  The podcast may happen weekly, every other week, or just when ever I feel like it.  I am presently thinking of the re-launch of the podcasting part as "Empty Checking: Season Two--The Quickening."  But you can call it whatever you like. 

Either way...  Looking forward to it.  Hope you are too.

Sorry I disappeared for a couple of months.  I'll try not to let that happen again.

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